Saturday, December 23, 2006

Ted the cat wants to share a Christmas message:

'Krist-mouse is rubbish in a vejitariern gest howse. ther is no terki, befe or enithing yummi. it is kwite miseraborl. i get boring old kat fude as ewesuall, or go and get mi owne in the garden. a mowse, robin, nuthing fansi. if enyone has enything nice, plese bring it heer. i hav bene pleding for meni yers, to no efekt, but this may hav a bigga ordience. Thank yu. hope yu hav a happi kristmus at least. luv Ted.'

We have been enjoying cold, clear weather the past few days. Above are a couple of photos of Trebarwith Strand, taken on 22nd Dec. The sand has been washed out a little way, more rocks than usual are exposed. If there appear to be people in the sea, that is because there are! I promise I did not take the pictures in August!

Have a lovely Christmas and a Happy New Year.



storyteller said...

Dere Ted
I can simpathize with yor plite as I also live with veggis and my steep sister momo niks the fude I do get. Have you tryed shrews? I think they is very taste. Hope you have not been locked in the wine seller recentle,
All the best
Lord Basil of Hampshire (described by his moggy minder as 'a complete gentleman')

Sir Parsley said...

De-er Ted

I am Sir Parsley, the woving ambasa-door for Bobtails wabbit wescue... I came too visit yoo last ye-er with Auntee Wabbs.

I am glad to heeer yoo dote get terki or beefs or other meets to eet in your owse.

beeein a wabbit, i sympafize wid the littul animuls.. and I dote fink yoo shuds eet em no mor.

Luv Sir Parsley x