Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Storm watching.

If you like watching big waves, enjoy a good blast and heavy downpour, this is not the place to be!

I can't believe the change since my last blog. The weather is now calm, clear, there is a sliver of moon tonight, it is so peaceful. The sun was even warming earlier. The wind of a few days ago has taken it's toll however. Many of the leaves on the privet hedges have shrivelled and gone in the onslaught of the wind and there are now some gaps appearing in the hedges. I think they are rather ugly and oppressive, but they are absolutely essential in the climate we have here. Some of ours must be 5 - 6 feet thick and 10 foot tall, but the worst winds still get through to the other side.
The picture above is a cheat, taken in the summer, when the hedges are looking much nicer, and this is anyway a sheltered part of the garden, and the echiums, for which the picture was taken, dwarf the hedge as well!

I'm sure the weather I described in my last entry will return, but for now, the gentle conditions are here to enjoy.

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