Tuesday, August 03, 2010

A few recipes, at last!

I promised several recipes on my MH Facebook page, ages ago!

Spice crusted tofu with maple syrup and lemon glaze, adapted from Rose Elliot's  'Veggie Chic'.

1 pack firm tofu, cut into oblongs (sort of fish finger size!)
i tbsp paprika, mixed with 3 tsps cumin, 3 tsps coriander powder, and a tsp salt

coat the tofu in the spices, place in hot olive oil in pan, turn and cook for a few moments.

Add  three tbsp maple syrup and two tbsps lemon juice mixed.  Allow to evaporate, spooning the sauce over the cooking tofu.  Serve with  toasted pinenuts and raosted potatoes and other seasonal vegetables.

Chocolate sorbet, from 'Vegan cooking' by Nicola Graimes

mix 16fl oz water with 3 tbsps maple syrup, 4 oz sugar and 3 oz cocoa powder.  Bring to a simmer, mix, add 2 oz plain chocolate until melted.

cool.  Freeze for two hours or place in an icecream maker.  if not in icecream maker, place in food processor and mix thoroughly.  freeze fully.  serve with red fruits, Swedish Glace, etc.  Om, nom, nom!

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